Environment and Sustainability Committee
Inquiry into Energy Policy and Planning in Wales

EPP 251 – Sally Austin


Dear Sirs


I write regarding the detrimental implications of Tan8 on the mid wales and surrounding landscape.

I came to live in Shropshire some 16 years ago. I live in this County because of the vast areas of unspoilt countryside and the magnificent Welsh landscape on my doorstep.


The plan to build a power plant covering over 1,000 square miles, with more than 800 turbines all as big as the London Eye with each turbine standing on a pad the size of an Olympic swimming pool, will cause devastation across the Welsh landscape. Huge areas of forest will be cut down to accommodate these turbines destroying the beautiful mid wales landscape and with a pylon line over the border into Shropshire will despoil the countryside and have a negative effect on our wildlife  forever. 


Around 6,500 people are employed in the tourist industry in mid wales alone. Visitors come to the area for the stunning views which will be ruined by these 606ft wind turbines stretching for miles. There is the inevitable loss of jobs because of the negative impact on tourism; the large farming community of these areas will be adversely affected in various ways, not least by the devaluation of their homes and land.


There is no mention in Tan8 of the transport issues. The effects of the inevitable vast loads (200t +) on the roads will be immense, causing structural damage to roads and adjacent buildings.  There will be in excess of 3,000 abnormal loads over a period of more than 5 years. Traffic congestion will be unparalleled. The response time of emergency services will without doubt be compromised with the inevitable traffic congestion caused by these enormous, slow moving loads.


The time spent on this project should be directed to looking at renewable energy that works. Wind turbines give us energy some of the time; 21% per the manufacturers monitored performance for 2010. Even then the power generated is intermittent. No matter how large the turbines and scale of the wind farms, they only work when the wind is blowing. When the wind stops the turbines stop and when the wind is strong they are shut down because they will blow over. Wind power will never be a constant reliable source of electricity and is far less efficient than many other forms of renewable  energy.


By deciding to put all our efforts into developing wind farms of this proposed scale and covering more and more land we are heading for disaster. 


I ask that a revision of Tan8 is carried out.


Yours Sincerely


Sally Austin